RWU Announces $20 Million Partnership with Cummings Foundation 

The Cummings School

为了表彰RWU和网赌的十大网站基金会之间的这种变革性慈善合作伙伴关系-罗杰·威廉姆斯历史上最大的-校长约翰尼斯·N. Miaoulis announced on Wednesday, April 6, that our School of Architecture, 艺术和历史保护将重新命名为网赌的十大网站建筑学院(网赌的十大网站学院), along with the launch of the Cummings Institute for Real Estate, 以表彰一位房地产开拓者,他将激励RWU的学生追求类似的职业轨迹.  

image of an RWU Architecture student presenting a project

Shared Vision: RWU & Cummings Foundation

“RWU致力于在所有行业建立一支繁荣的劳动力队伍,并为学生提供现实世界的学习机会,使他们在整个职业生涯中对社区产生影响. 这种企业家精神正是在工作和生活中取得成功所需要的, 这与我们在网赌的十大网站基金会的使命是一致的,即促进并赋予所有人社会和经济包容性. Miaoulis校长对RWU及其学生有一个令人信服和强大的愿景, 网赌的十大网站基金会很高兴能在未来几年成为这一增长的合作伙伴."

Bill Cummings, founder, Cummings Foundation and Cummings Properties

image of Bill & Joyce Cummings

About Cummings Foundation

这是马萨诸塞州以外与网赌的十大网站基金会最大的合作伙伴之一, where the Foundation is headquartered, 也是比尔和乔伊斯·网赌的十大网站夫妇主要从事慈善事业的地方. 这也是他们第一次在大学合作,以表彰比尔·网赌的十大网站作为房地产企业家和北岸领先公司的创始人的杰出职业生涯, Cummings Properties. 网赌的十大网站基金会成立于1986年,主要是为了加强网赌的十大网站地产经营商业建筑的马萨诸塞州社区. 此后,它已发展成为新英格兰地区三大私人基金会之一.   

Learn About Cummings Foundation
portrait of RWU President Ioannis Miaoulis

Reflecting On Cummings' Legacy

"Powered by this historic partnership, 网赌的十大网站建筑学院将成为大学持续和不断成功的催化剂,使我们的学生成为可持续和公平设计各个方面的领导者, preservation, and development at the intersection of the natural and built environments. 通过房地产教育的新深度和广度来扩展我们现有的世界级建筑和保护项目,与比尔的专业遗产和比尔的企业家精神以及整个网赌的十大网站基金会完美地结合在一起. 这是国内第一个提供如此独特的建筑组合的项目, real estate, preservation and planning bolstered by further integration with business, legal, construction and engineering expertise across the university."

 – RWU President Ioannis N. Miaoulis 

portrait of SAAHP Dean Steve White in his office

Teaching Firm in Residence Brings Practitioners to Students

网赌的十大网站基金会的慈善和专业知识将继续扩大我们现有项目的范围和质量,并为我们新兴的房地产项目增加直接的区别. Cummings Properties一直是我们建筑设计工作室的重要合作伙伴, internships and career placements, and with several of our Teaching Firms in Residence  for years. 网赌的十大网站学校将为我们的学生增加新的意义和潜力, faculty, programs and partners – and for the quality of the environment overall." 

Steve White, dean of the Cummings School of Architecture

Learn About Teaching Firm in Residence

RWU Real Estate Program: A Powerful Multidisciplinary Curriculum

网赌的十大网站房地产研究所发起的一个强大的多学科房地产项目中, RWU is combining architecture, historic preservation, construction management, engineering, business, 并将法律纳入强大的新课程,为毕业生提供广泛的技能,以应对多方面的房地产行业的挑战. 

Learn About Real Estate Program

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