
网赌的十大网站为毕业后计划从事卫生专业的学生提供个性化的建议和指导. 我们的预验光课程在学生的本科及以后的职业生涯中提供帮助, beginning with course selection and career exploration, 继续获得所需的临床和课外经验, and culminating with 1-1 support through the graduate program application process.

RWU的预视光课程旨在为学生进入所有美国视光学校做准备. 对这条赛道感兴趣的学生将与学前健康主任一起设计他们的学习计划,以确保他们参加适当的网赌的十大网站先决条件课程. Students can pursue almost any major for entry into optometry school, although most select at least one major offered through SSNS. 此外,请务必咨询您所在学术领域的指导老师,以确保及时毕业.

学生还需要参与重要的体验式学习,才能被认为是一个强大的申请人. While no two applicants are the same, successful students often participate in research, take leadership roles both on and off campus, 并通过获得实际的临床经验而熟悉牙科专业. Students will also take the OAT exam prior to submitting their application.


在RWU Pre-Health注册

What sets RWU Pre-Health apart from other programs?

Student in medical assistant's dress.With the growing need for knowledgeable, 移情医疗服务提供者, it has never been a better time to consider a career in the health professions. 在RWU,从您踏入校园的那一刻起,您将受益于经验丰富的教师和预健康项目主任提供的1-1预健康建议. 这种支持将持续到你在RWU和以后的时间-全国范围内的许多申请人将在完成学士学位后申请这些研究生课程, and alumni support is a key benefit of our program.

Key Components and Advantages of RWU Pre-Health Professions Advising

  • A student examines a petri dish in a lab要么得B.S. 还是B.A. 在完成要求的同时,在一个互补的研究领域获得学位,为学生将来在卫生专业的研究生和专业课程做好准备.
  • 受益于专业的建议,以确保您完成所有必要的要求,为您选择的学前健康计划.
  • 接受个性化的, 1:1 support for career exploration and experiential 学习 (internships, 合作社, 专业的阴影, 通过我们的职业和专业发展中心(CCPD).
  • 访问专门为对临床和咨询心理学和社会工作感兴趣的学生量身定制的心理和行为健康专业的教师顾问.


在罗杰威廉姆斯大学, 我们在自然科学和社会科学方面都有各种各样的专业,这些专业与健康预科课程很好地结合在一起. 预科生总是被鼓励选择自己感兴趣的专业, 然后与学前教育办公室联系,以确保他们正在学习适合他们想要的领域的课程. RWU教育的好处之一是能够按照你想要的方式发展你的学术计划, Pre-Health也不例外!

Did you know that 80% of our graduates leave RWU with more than just one major? 在你的学术课程中增加一门辅修或第二专业是让你在其他申请者中脱颖而出的好方法. 给n the academic programs that we offer, it is attainable to double-major in areas of study that you are excited about, all while satisfying the appropriate prerequisites for graduate school. You can even create an individualized major with University approval.

Listed are some of the most popular majors for our Pre-Health students, yet all RWU majors can be paired with Pre-Health.




医疗行业竞争激烈——我们希望我们的医疗服务提供者了解他们的业务! Competitive GPAs for most of these programs begin at around 3.5, and many have even higher expectations of their applicants. 在RWU,我们知道,所有的医疗保健提供者发现自己挣扎或不堪重负与他们的课程之一, 无论是有机化学, Calculus or even Creative Writing. 在RWU you have access to excellent resources including our prolific 辅导中心, 由一百多名学生和工作人员组成,他们的目标是帮助你更好地理解你的材料并长期记住它. At The 辅导中心 a particular emphasis is placed on STEM, and the center is open 6 days a week, 包括大多数晚上. 另外, RWU的所有教师都有办公时间,鼓励学生们旁听,以便更好地理解他们的课程.


For all health professions schools, 未来的学生不仅需要对必修课程有深刻的理解, 同时也要证明他们对自己想要从事的职业有一定的了解. 这种情况会以多种方式发生,但几乎总是属于一类:体验式学习.

从实践经验中学习 can take place in a number of different ways. A few activities that successful Pre-Health students have engaged in:

  • Shadowing healthcare providers in one’s desired field
  • Conducting research, either on-campus or off-campus
  • Gaining a professional certification to work hands-on with patients, 如紧急医疗技术员(EMT)或注册护理助理(CNA)
  • Engaging in community service work in your college or home community
  • Completing an internship, co-op or practicum in one’s desired field
  • Participating in high-impact 学习 opportunities, like the 荣誉项目 or an independent research project
  • Taking leadership roles in on-campus organizations and clubs

卫生专业的申请人不需要完成上述所有活动, 但是,成功的申请者在提交申请之前,将在课堂之外进行大量的活动. 在RWU, 你将与学前健康计划一起工作,以确定你的兴趣,因为它们与健康专业有关, and collaborate to locate and engage in these experiences. You can also receive assistance from the Center for Career and Professional Development and the excellent suite of tools that they have for students including workshops, 1 - 1建议, 握手等等!


Wherever you are in your Pre-Health journey, you'll be able to meet 1-1 with RWU's Director of Pre-Health Programs, 乔恩·艾伯特. 无论你是刚开始学习卫生专业的第一学期学生, or a senior preparing their application, the Pre-Health office is open to you! 

乔恩带来了近十年的经验,在高等教育和临床设置RWU学前健康计划工作, 与学生合作帮助他们实现目标是他最喜欢的工作.