About The Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety aspires to provide resources to prevent crime, 积极发展社区伙伴关系,并为大学提供服务,以促进校园安全的最终目标. 本系欢迎你的参与,并鼓励你参与校园安全的运作.

公共安全系是大学负责创造安全环境的主要部门. This task, however, is not one we can accomplish alone. 预防犯罪、识别风险和解决问题是每个人的责任. 我们希望您能和我们一起努力,阅读我们的年度保安和消防安全报告,并经常参考它.

公共安全系是大学学生事务处的一个服务型分支. The department has a Director, 3 Shift Commanders, 19 full time officers (9 of which are EMTs), an Administrative Assistant, 以及一名交通和停车经理,负责协助校园社区提供各种服务,包括执行当地的法律, state, and federal laws, as well as campus policies and regulations.

公共安全部负责一天24小时监测活动, seven days a week, and 365 days a year on University property to include the Bristol campus, including the School of Law, Almeida Apartments and Baypoint Residence Hall. 在上课时间,公共安全也为普罗维登斯校区提供安全保障. Department officers patrol the campus on foot, bicycle, motor vehicles, and on fixed posts such as the main entrance to the campus. 公共安全总部配备了监控器,以便调度员监控选定地点的实况录像. 所有的犯罪报告,无论大小,都应该报告给公共安全部门. The Department of Public Safety is the campus liaison to the Bristol Police, Portsmouth Police, Providence Police and Fire Departments and works in close relation to both. The Department of Public Safety is responsible for parking enforcement, emergency medical services on campus and transportation needs.

公共安全部门的成员也作为校园紧急事件的第一响应者. 这项服务的一个主要组成部分包括紧急医疗技术人员(EMT),他们对校园内的医疗紧急情况作出反应,并获得罗德岛州的许可. 公共安全部有九名EMT,他们同时也是公共安全官员.

Public Safety Officers are not sworn officers and do not possess arrest powers; however, 在校园的管辖范围内,他们有固有的权利和权力拘留涉嫌不当行为的人, 在有合理怀疑和/或可能原因的情况下搜查背包和/或校园房间和公寓. They may detain and/or restrain persons who create disorder. Officers can also refuse admittance to the campus, ask persons to leave who become disorderly or who violate Rhode Island laws, campus policies and regulations, or who demonstrate improper behavior.


Comment on the Department of Public Safety's Performance

公共安全部与社区的关系对实现我们的使命至关重要. 所有社区成员应期望本署人员以礼貌和专业的方式对待他们. Your positive and or negative feedback is important; email Director of Public Safety at mporter@mogrenlandscape.com with your feedback.

Safety Monitoring

此外,公共安全人员监控校园照明,以加强安全, 各部门的行政人员定期进行调查,以评估整个校园照明的可操作性和充分性. 设施管理部保持24小时对纠正与安全和安保有关的重大差异作出反应的能力.

This response facilitates prompt repairs to building and room access, equipment, fire and safety equipment, 照明和其他缺陷对大学社区构成直接风险. Utilizing portable radios, 在需要设施管理处立即处理的情况下,警务人员可通知公共安全总部.

As previously noted, 维护校园安全并不是公共安全部门的唯一责任. 我们鼓励所有在这个美丽的校园里的人意识到他们周围的环境,并协助使安全和安全成为他们日常活动的一部分,与设施管理部和居住生活和住房部一起提供一个安全和明亮的校园.